6 boats
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1999 Mainship 30
↓ Price Drop
Rubicon Yachts | San Francisco, California
2004 Mainship 390
Yacht Brokers, Inc. | Daytona Beach, Florida
2006 Mainship 400 Efficient Trawler
↓ Price Drop
US $1,988/mo
Cahoon Yacht Brokerage | Cranston, Rhode Island
1998 Mainship 390 Trawler
Anchor Yacht Sales | Clayton, New York
2000 Mainship 30 Pilot
Island Yacht Sales | Fort Myers, Florida
2006 Mainship 34 PILOT Rum Runner Classic
US $1,329/mo
Jersey Cape Yacht Sales | Wildwood, New Jersey
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* Price displayed is based on today's currency conversion rate of the listed sales price. Boats Group does not guarantee the accuracy of conversion rates and rates may differ than those provided by financial institutions at the time of transaction.